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Presidio’s Steps of an Effective Claims Management Process

To ensure that your claims are processed quickly and that you, as a policyholder, get the required compensation, you likely need to engage with the insurance companies early in the process and cooperate with them throughout. Follow these steps for a speedy resolution of your insurance claims.

Plan Ahead

When an incident occurs, your priority would be to fix the situation by taking care of any injuries, documenting property damage, and generally putting out fires. In such a high-stress situation, figuring out insurance would be an additional burden you don’t need. So the best thing to do is to be proactive and have systems in place so that handling insurance claims becomes an automatic part of managing the incident.
This can be done by defining steps to make claiming insurance easier in case of an incident, like taking photos of the damage or investing in surveillance to have video evidence of what happened. Keeping the necessary forms from your insurance provider handy (such as access to Presidio InsurLink) would also help.

Gather the Necessary Evidence

Insurance companies often require evidence of any damage to process the insurance claim. So it’s important to collect evidence in the form of photos and videos to pass on to the provider. Insurers may require real-time surveillance, evidence of a police report, as well as proof of any security measures taken to prevent the incident. A detailed inventory of damaged property and items, potential injuries and anything missing, would also help smoothen the claims process. Finally, make note of any witnesses of the incident and inform them that they may be called to state their observations.

Reach Out to Your Insurance partner here @ Presidio to elect whether or not to file a claim

As soon as possible after the incident, you should inform your insurance agent about the situation. We can explain the claims process to you and make sure you have everything in place before you notify the insurance companies. With our guidance, you can promptly start communications with the insurers. This is important because the sooner that you; the policyholder notifies the insurance carrier directly, the sooner the claims process can start, which will all help in the quick resolution of the claim.

Phase 2

*If you elect to file a claim

Identify Relevant Insurance Coverage

Any incident, especially one that involves both property damage and injuries, would probably require you to file claims with more than one insurance provider. So, after the incident, it is important to identify

all the policies and Policy numbers that would be relevant (INCLUDING collecting insurance information from the other party if applicable) . Multiple insurance claims may create complexities if the insurance companies have competing interests, or if the same issue is insured by more than one provider. These issues must be identified and resolved quickly, and you should maintain regular communication with your adjuster.

Gather Estimates (If you elected to file a claim)

In most cases, you have the right to choose a contractor, remediation company, body shop, health care facility etc to complete the repair work. Once you have chosen your preferred contractor, simply submit the estimates to your individual adjuster and or download directly to the carrier’s claims portal. Insurance agencies (Including Presidio) can typically recommend local contractors but do not formally set up appointments or choose who does the repair/remediation work.

Cooperate With Your Carrier’s Insurance Adjuster

After you file your insurance claim with the provider, they will assign a claims adjuster to your case within a few days. This adjuster is responsible for investigating your claim and determining how much compensation the insurer is liable for. If you make the adjuster’s work easier by providing all they require (proof of loss, supporting evidence like photos or videos, an inventory of your losses, etc.), your claims process will go smoother.